Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So I Bought A Trailer.. How Much Work Will It Be To Build A Camper?

As described in the previous post, the main issue with this project was that I wanted it to be done on a budget, a real budget. The concept of buying a camper of any sorts didn't appeal to me, because nothing really suited my taste.

I really liked the iconic 1950s air stream, the body looked right, great curves and well crafted.. but it didn't have the connection to the styles of the early bay window VW that I originally tried to recreate with my VW Transporter idea. Enter the trailer: 

The previous owner had told me it was used as a car transporter of sorts, its about 10ft or so long, and about 6 foot wide. Really wide wheelbase which was perfect.

 It also came with four tires, in pretty bad condition. Cracks all around, bald as far as the eye can see and a hazard in all forms. This was something that would need to be addressed in the future.

Before I could get on with building what I had in my mind, the very first thing that needed to go was the wood. It was old, oily and water logged. Not a good way to start any sort of future project. I pulled out the jigsaw, my preferred tool of choice and got down to work.

The first to go was the lengths of wood running from the front to back. These cut off quite quickly without any hassle and just left behind the horizontal 4x3 inch cross members. These were not actually secured in by any great means, just held in by their own weight and pressure. A few quick smacks with a sledgehammer and a crow bar, and we were back in action. 

I was left with a nice, rusted frame. What a better way to start any project.

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